Thursday, April 18, 2013

Info Post
Pyramids of Egypt, height 146 m, the length of each side down around 230 m, with an area of ​​52,900 square meters, a total of 2.3 million pieces of rock. According to the general view, the pyramids built-fourth dynasty around 2,000 BC, which was built by King Cheops / Khufu. However, due to the lack of historical data, the next generation of new historians draw conclusions from the legends and related instructions.

As for how to build a mega project? Who on earth that has the high intelligence? And what is the purpose of making this building and other puzzles that are still unresolved.

Not the royal tomb of Pharaoh?

In general, the historians argue that the pyramid has a close relationship with the pharaoh's tomb. Because the pyramid is storing a "force" that odd. Can make the bodies quickly dehydrated, accelerate the process of becoming "fossilized mummy". But in the year 820 AD, the Governor General of Islamic Cairo Caliph Al-Ma'mun lead the troops, and for the first time to dig a tunnel into the pyramid. But the sight that looked at it was only a very modest space, no goods or jewelry or statues buried with the dead, not even find any pieces of any kind. In the room, called "the king" just seemed a box-shaped stone coffin with no lid and no contents. So also with the wall, it looks empty no slightest decorated with any writing.

The figure shows the accuracy of the magnificent building.

At the end of last year 1880, the father of modern architecture that is William F said that the most amazing part of this pyramid is the position. Because each side of the line so accurately leads southeast northwest. Not only so accurate observation techniques, the more remarkable is beyond belief builders can maintain the accuracy of super high on this huge building.

In addition, the accuracy of his level is also very admirable. Because tolerance only 1.5 inches (± 3.8 cm), although even the modern buildings are also difficult to emulate. Scientists estimate that if you want to achieve high-level techniques such as pyramid building this huge need at least thousands of years of evolution. However, after examining the records of Egyptian history, there were no records of the development of such techniques.

Outstanding technology with great intelligence

Mechanics extraordinarily ingenious construction of the pyramids. Cone shape instead of a straight layout with 2 million more rocks. If construction is so simple, if some of it collapsed, the whole building would collapse because of the weight. That sustains the pyramid, is the construction of a ring similar to the tree, which is made up of a layer of rock that blocked the irreproachable and sturdy construction of the so-called wall support. Construction is only a small portion of rock on the outer side collapsed during a devastating earthquake in the 13th century, while the overall structure is not affected at all. However, the comparison is very rough compared to the pyramid structure that was built in the 3rd dynasty or other pyramid was built during the dynasty, 4 or 5, and many were already completely destroyed.

Moreover, how the altitude of 100 meters above the ground, arranging 2.3-2.6 million large stones weighing an average of 2.5 tons was installed in a position that is so accurate that it is difficult to understand. Egyptian Scholars successive estimates more than 30 kinds of methods of construction. But according to scholar named Graham Hancock ever climbing a pyramid that according to current building methods that depicted this possibility was small. He said "In a high-rise. On the one hand, to keep the balance, the other side had to haul from the bottom up, one after the other stones that weigh at least 2 times the weight of the car now. And also at the same time taken to steer to the right position. Have not been able to understand how ideas masons when it was. "

Giant stones used to build the pyramids at the time, combined with accurate measurement precise, accurate construction techniques, if done with a method that is expected now, obviously it adala nightmare for the workers and the management field. Judging from the intelligence pyramid shown, Hancock estimates that the construction method by ancient builders may go beyond our imagination. Jean-Francois Champollion who has the title as the father of modern Egyptian architects depict a bygone era: "Their thinking is still higher like 100-foot giants."

Since there is a large question mark on the traditional view, coupled with the difficulty of finding historical records, modern scientists espouse a prehistoric civilization that challenged the methods in geology, climatology, and other methods of researching ancient historic sites in the highlands.

Prehistoric civilization forecast

Sphinx is also a core research scholars. Height of 20 m, a total length of 73 m, is considered as an established building Kafre Pharaoh king of the 4th dynasty. however, the former erosion on the surface of the human body lion statue, recently scientists mempekirakan likely that future development earlier than previously expected, an estimated 10,000 years ago BC.

In the "sacred science" mathematician Swalle Rubich states, in part of the way is clear there is a lion Sphinx former water piling up, he suspected that it was caused by heavy rains in a row and devastating floods in the year 11,000 BC.

Other scholars that John Westheth also expressed the same opinion are like the above, and denied the view that it is the result of wind erosion. For if erosion by wind, the building of more limestone in the same period should also experience the same erosion, however, we found amongst the rubble none severe erosion such as human-faced statue of the lion body areas.

Professor of geology from Boston University and an expert in the field of rock erosion Roberto Westheth Sewski also endorsed the view, saying that the erosion experienced by human-faced statue of the lion-bodied one part depth reaches about 2 m, so that the outside appearance looks a winding, such as wave , it is evident that all the former of heavy weather and rain are great for thousands of years.

But the new view expressed Westheth cs raises controversial Egyptian figures mainstream science. Because they do not want to believe that by 10,000 years ago, the earth may have appeared a more mature man than man now. But Westheth research and encouragement received from a large number of geologists when data collected Westheth published in a U.S. geological agency forum. Although the notion of the "prehistoric civilization" had been overlooked, but now more and more scientists dare to face reality, the defense of the view that looked "own" this time. Which if passed, believes such changes can help uncover the mystery of the eternal human pyramid! (Source: Epoch Times)

French architects uncover the mystery of the construction of the Pyramids

How giant pyramids in Egypt were built? This is a mystery that has always puzzled scientists for thousands of years. But now, a structural engineer from France may have found the answer to this question.

Pyramid that stands above the desert city peluaran Cairo, Egypt is one of the wonders of the famous historical places in the world, every year visited by foreign tourists. Until now Pyramid building an unsolved mysteries in the field of architecture and this is also one reason why the pyramids and the Spinx can attract large numbers of tourists visit there.

8 Year Research

Through ongoing research submarine 8 years, and blend views of other scholars, architects France Houden propose a unique theory and convincing. According Houden: "Pyramid built from inside, on the inside there is a ramp or slope. Another theory related to the slope is difficult to explain how the final touches completed, because if it was not too long, steep slopes are too big. In my opinion, until completed, the necessary building materials transported to the top of the inner slope, an inner corridor. Pyramid longest reach 1.6 km. "

Houden theoretical basis based on multidimensional computer mockups in the development process and the structure of the pyramid. He said construction workers put the granite and limestone (limestone) to each section using a set of tools Pyramid weight balance.

Theory Houden

Senior researchers from the U.S. that Blair is an expert researcher historic sites in Egypt. He said: "for scholars investigating the historical places of Egypt, Houden theory is very important. As for building the Pyramids, in the past there were two versions. The first version was, in front of the pyramid there is a large slope, and other versions say that outside the pyramid-shaped spiral there is a bumpy road. But we know these two views are not true and problematic. Now we have a third, and the view is not that there are problems.

Pyramid is one of the largest human construction in the world, and archaeologists have been investigating for several centuries of the pyramid. A large number of archaeologists say, it is not surprising that an architect noted for a description of the mysteries of the Pyramids with the technology of the 21st century is. To prove the truth of the hypothesis, the research team is ready, and if the local government permits, we will soon be heading to the location, to survey the field with a radar detector and a heat source. (Source: Epoch Times)


According to the Xinhua-net sites, secretary general of the supreme council of Egyptian cultural objects which doctor Jasey Hawass announced that the results of the latest archaeological findings show, bahwasannya Pyramid was made by the workers. These findings refute infrensi that Pyramid made by slaves.

Doctoral Hawass announced the findings at the foot of the Pyramids near Cairo. Doctoral Hawass 55-year-old was named the most influential experts in the study of ancient Egyptian cultural objects. When interviewed at the archaeological excavation site at the time said that, after more than 10 years of excavation and research, it can be concluded, that the pyramids were built by workers not slaves. And at the excavation site of the tomb of the workers who died in the pyramid building process.

Hawass explained that, archaeologists discovered a large number of calculators, measuring tools and stone tools in processing the items buried with the dead. This shows that the people who die are the Pyramid maker. And maybe they were not slaves because slaves who died will not be buried. In addition, the archaeologists also found utensils of metal primitive operations and the former treatment of the dead who had broken bones in the grave. This shows that simati treated and good medical care if bondsman will not receive such treatment.

Hawass led the reporter to look at the tomb of one of them. He says that the entrance to the tomb is a piece of granite, the same stone for the construction of giant pyramids also derived from the Aswan, southern Egypt. This suggests that the status of the owner of the tomb came from respectable groups. And epigraphs on the door indicating that the owner of the tomb is the highest administrative official in the area asministratif Pyramid.

Personnel archeology discovered a stone coffin in the grave, and the coffin rock news is there is no sign of theft and excavation experience. Hawass even said that the livelihood of the workers are in the vicinity of the tomb. Personnel archaeological finds former home secretary-general there. And the official residence was built 4,500 years ago, is home to the most ancient general secretary found in Egypt today.

In addition, personnel researchers also found collective mess and used equipment of the workers living in the region. Of the relic-peningalan estimates, in total there are more than 20,000 workers who participated in the construction of the Pyramids. And this means that conclusions about the development of ancient Greek historians. Pyramid is done by 10,000 masons were incorrect. Hawass added that these workers worked in turn in this project, with a contract period of 3 months, and most of the workers are farmers, masons were poor, their livelihood costs that are borne by the family village.

Pyramid located south of Cairo, is the largest pyramid in Egypt, and was named one of the 7 wonders of the world. The pyramid was built from 2.3 million a giant rock, rock the lightest is 2.5 tons, is the heaviest at 40 tons. Who is building a mega project that is so great, until now many versions, but most historians support the notion of serf who built the Pyramids. (Source: Epoch Times)

Strange But Real

Giza pyramid complex built the ancient Egyptians about 5000 years ago has an area that can be compared between the distance of St Peter (Rome), Cathedral of Florence (Milan) to St. Paul (London). Believed to also set the stone in Pyramids of Giza when put together can make a 3 meter high wall with a thickness of 0.3 meters that could encompass the whole of France.

When compared to the Empire State Building in New York, pyramid or the pyramid is 30 times larger and can even be seen from the moon. While the ancient Egyptians themselves build it in 30 years. Not to mention how to move rocks and stones arranged into a tall pyramid (some say made structures such as slopes or threaded screw is then whitewashed with lime stone on the outer layer. Others have stated that stones are the result of casting).

Construction of accurate and gravity center of the object. So as stated earlier there is a mention that the Pyramid was built by linking them with portraits UFO pyramid on Mars. Anything else is conjecture that the pyramid was built by men who were stranded in the future of the past. There is also a pyramid associated with the constellation Orion star cluster in terms of the location of the pyramids of Giza and the Pyramids katiga Maya also believed to have the same location and position based cluster constellation Orion. In addition it is also believed there is room under the Sphinx (called Hall off Records), which is the key secret to Zep Bank which is a past golden age when the Pyramids of Giza is made.

According to research from scientists and archeology, pyramids raw material taken from several places. For example, limestone from Tura, granite from Aswan, copper from Sinai and wood for coffins of Lebanon of which are transported through the Nile. Then the workers died of the average worker at a young age between 30 years due to a spinal cord injury due to carrying a heavy burden. Then there are also revealed how emergency aid for the injured worker.

Long before there was much less telescope observatory, the Egyptians already had a high-tech astronomy. Pyramids and the Sphinx was the work of the science of astronomy thousands of years ago.

The study states that the Sphinx and the three great pyramids around (Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure), built and arranged according to the constellation of stars in the constellation (the collection of stars) Orion.

Why are the chosen constellation ancient Egyptian society as a pattern in the Giza pyramid complex built it?

Orion name taken from a character in Greek mythology, son of the god Poseidon (also known as Neptune) and Euryale. As a child of god, Orion was given many supernatural powers by his parents. For example, by his father, who was ruler of the ocean, he was given supernatural powers can live in the ocean like a sea creature.

Between January and May, the constellation of Orion is that we can observe in the east. When the stars are drawn the line, it will look like there's a scene man was brandishing a weapon. In astronomy, the Orion constellation is formed by eight big stars Betelgeus, Meissa, Bellatrix, Mintaka star-arrangement Alnilam-Alnitak (often referred to as Orion's belt), Saiph, and Rigel. Together with other small stars that act like satellites.

Orion constellation is like a constellation of stars in our galaxy, called the Milky Way (Milky Way). So the big stars mentioned above are like the Sun in the Milky Way. While the little stars are planets that surround it, such as Earth, Mars, Saturn, to Pluto, the Sun. Only difference is, in the constellation of Orion "sun" is greater than one, whereas in our galaxy is only one.

From the arrangement of the stars and their respective satellites that, when drawn in an unbroken line, are drawn as a dashing young man with a gun. By Greek mythology described as an incarnation of the Orion figure. Then, in the south of Orion, look smaller constellations called Lepus. When the stars of the constellations drawn the line, it will look like a dog. Constellations is called in mythology as one of the dogs that accompany Orion in the sky. Consisting of two massive stars (Nihai and Arneb) and the stars are much smaller in size.

There is also a row of stars that sometimes depict a scorpion, but it could also be bull. It all depends on which direction we look. To be sure, Taurus or Scorpio constellation consists of five massive stars, namely Al Nath, Aldebaran, Hyades, Ain, Pleiades, and of course the stars of their own satellites. With it's blend of three constellations (Orion, Lepus, and Scorpio / Taurus), mythology Orion created.

So what to do with the culture of ancient Egypt, who built the pyramid complex at Giza is also the myth of the constellation Orion?

This is linked to the ancient Egyptian cult of Osiris, who was believed to be another incarnation of Orion which later became the god of death. In the reliefs found in the pyramid, the god Osiris was depicted as wearing the white crown height. Through the miracle, Osiris could easily destroy the earth and its contents.

Ancient Egyptians also believed that the gods in the sky it must also have a stopover on earth.

On the basis of that background, then the Giza pyramid complex built. Of course due to Osiris, the architecture of the position of each pyramid is made in such a way that is similar to the position of the star constellations. Including building guards, the lion-headed human bodied creatures.

Pyramid of Khufu describe star Alnitak, the pyramid of Khafre to Alnilam star, while the Menkaure pyramid as a symbol of star Mintaka. Row position of each pyramid is made as accurately as possible, resembling the three big stars in the sky. And the placement of the three pyramids are almost accurate! Just slip 0.1364 degrees from the angle between the pyramid than antarbintangnya. It is so so special, given the current technology of the pyramids were built, certainly not as sophisticated now

Numerous giant stone pyramids and buildings are found on the ocean floor off the coast of Japan. Advanced civilization that has nothing to do with Japanese culture today.
Pyramids of Egypt, height 146 m, the length of each side down around 230 m, with an area of ​​52,900 square meters, a total of 2.3 million pieces of rock. According to the general view, the pyramids built-fourth dynasty around 2,000 BC, which was built by King Cheops / Khufu. However, due to the lack of historical data, the next generation of new historians draw conclusions from the legends and related instructions.

As for how to build a mega project? Who on earth that has the high intelligence? And what is the purpose of making this building and other puzzles that are still unresolved. 
Seabed Ancient Pyramid in Japan
This is the last post.


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